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Kian Duffy over at HaikuNews was the first bring us the news that the Quake III source has been ported to BeOS (and by extension, Haiku and ZETA) by Jens Kalmark. Available for download on BeBits, the port requires Rudolf Cornelissen’s OpenGL drivers, a compatible nVidia GPU, and the data files from the original retail version of Quake3 – although data files from the demo should work as well. The port has a few quirks currently, but none that sound show-stopping, and a version with some bugfixes has been posted since the original release.
OSNews has posted an interview with Sven Jorg, the leader of a new project called BNX which aims to combine the work of the Haiku project with the QNX kernel. The rationale appears to be that it will take too long to recreate the BeOS kernel, and then bring it up to “modern” OS standards. The interview is an interesting read, although it seems to raise more questions than it answers -the obvious one being: If the proejct is licensing a commercial kernel, does that mean they also have commercial aspirations for the OS when it’s completed? We’ll post any new details on this one as they become available.
Spotted over on the BeZilla Blog, tigerdog has posted a link to a new experimental version of the HaikuFox theme. You might ask, “does ‘experimental’ mean this version of HaikuFox is fond of illicit substances and risque activites?” Good question, but no – it’s a version of the theme meant for use with experimental builds of Firefox. The experimental version of HaikuFox implements support for newer features that have recently been added to Firefox – several of which require theme support in order to work properly, like the “places” toolbar. So if you like to live dangerously and play around with experimental Firefox builds, head over and grab the equally experimental theme.
As reported by le_prOSY over at ZetaJournal, ZETA customisation site PimpMyZeta has recently been “reloaded” with a updated layout and an English version of the site. They have quite impressive collection of decors, themes, and wallpaper images for ZETA – and, when I first visited the site, SoundPlay randomly began playing Papa was a Rolling Stone. Coincidence? Or did SoundPlay just know?
As reported by Studio-33, YellowTAB recently announced the release of a trial version of Faktum, their “business management” application. The application is designed to aid in the management and manipulation of all the data accumulates as part of operating a business. Faktum handles things like customer management, inventory tracking, accouting/bookkeeping, and invoice generation. YellowTAB plans to release the application commercially, along with traning and installation services; a trial version can be downloaded here. Aside from providing useful features to those running businesses, Faktum is also written entirely in YAB – providing a showcase of what the language is capable of. And thanks to the number of Windows-based business management / Point-Of-Sale applications that directly steal BeOS icons, Faktum will look pretty familiar to many users.
Also from Vasper, I recently received an EMail with a status report on YAB. I’ve been a bit slow on the draw reporting on YAB, it’s a BASIC interpreter and IDE developed by Team Maui – YAB also contains bindings to the BeOS API, allowing developers to write graphical BeOS apps in a BASIC language. Not content to simply rest on a cool idea, Team Maui have been hard at work pushing towards a 1.0 release. Read on for the latest info, straight from the horse’s mouth – or in this case, straight from the Vasper’s EMail client.
Mr. Vasper, of BeOS Max fame, wrote in recently to let us know about some new forums that have been added to BeOSMax.org. They have sub-forums covering just about every BeOS-related topic imaginable – including ZETA and Haiku-specific forums, a Development forum, a Media forum, and more. Great to see another place for online discussion of BeOS / ZETA / Haiku, especially with the BeGroovy forums still offline. Vasper also mentioned that they host the YAB forums at yab.beosmax.org