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I had a chance to give it a try on R5 and it seems to work quite nicely – the screenshot above shows NetSurf displaying BeOSNews.com (and doing a pretty decent job). In the comments over on ICO, François mentioned that libz.so must be installed – it isn’t included in R5 by default, but it is included in the LibPak available on BeBits. If you take NetSurf for a spin, keep in mind that the “netsurf” folder must be located in /boot/apps/ (otherwise you’ll see an error when trying to run the binary).
A little while ago, I posted a Along with the request, I had also promised to mirror the downloads on BeOSNews in the hopes of saving others from the frustration of wading through dead links on BeBits. I finally got around to fulfilling that promise and I’ve added I’ve added “additional location” links to the appropriate BeBits pages: Dockbert ………… direct download link Thanks again to everyone who responded to the original post!
On his personal blog DarkWyrm tells us more about progress he made on R2 documentation and hacking / Proof-Of-Concept-ing:
Read more about his work on R2 here.
Mmu_man posted an item on his Haiku’s blog about his experience at RMLL (9th worldwide meeting on open and free software which makes in french: 9ème rencontres mondiales du logiciel libre). Read the blog entry on Haiku-os.org.
Sikosis and Dennis d’Entremont recorded a new episode of the Haiku Podcast. Click here to listen to the thing. Thanks to them both and Happy Birthday to Sikosis !
Back in the time Oliver worked on a the creation of a VoIP application for yT’s Zeta as his final studies project. The application was named Whisper and was based on the BeNet source code. Today, Oliver seems to have obtained from Bernd Korz the rights to publish his thesis documentation. He hopes it will ease the re-creation of such an application from BeNet source code. Whisper was using a proprietary point-to-point protocol but what if it could be extended to other standards as well… Screenshots here and there. More information at the Maps and legends of the urnenfeld.