Archive for the ‘News’ Category

In an item about recent Haiku progress, ICO reported that the Python scripting language is now working on Haiku thanks to developer “aldeck.” ICO also mentions that he also had success with Bethon, a set of bindings that allow BeOS GUI applications to be written in Python. The post includes links to several screenshots which show off Python/Bethon on Haiku: one, two, three.

There was another interesting new addition to the Haiku project this week: DVB support; Marcus Overhagen has added his earlier work on R5 DVB support to the Haiku project. The software apparently already functioned properly under Haiku, so it was largely a matter of adding the DVB-related code to the Haiku source tree. Additional details can be found on HaikuNews and ICO.

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Vasper, the BeOS Max hero, has announced that he will start working on ‘WalterOS’. Originally Vasper already wanted to form BeOS Max into a Haiku distribution after Max 3.1 but in the meantime there has also been a 4.0 release of Max.

WalterOS has two main goals, the first is to create an Haiku system that can be installed and used by the more technically-challenged under us, the latter being that Vasper wants to help Haiku to gain users in the coming time. Although Vasper doesn’t give an expected timeframe for his project, the main Haiku devs have always said that they wanted to keep Haiku away from the avarage joe until the goals for R1 are mostly met. I suspect that Vasper will respect this, and will not do a full release until the base Haiku R1 goes live.

Btw, the final name for Walter is not decided yet, find out how to propose another name here.

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As promised, today Google published the final results for the 2007 Summer of Code draft. Haiku is assigned 8 student who will all work on their own project (mentored by six members from the Haiku development team). Initially Haiku aimed for 7 places and received 42 applications. Here is a list of the projects that will be worked on:

Network stack revamp: IPv6, ICMP, multicast, etc.
by Hugo Santos, mentored by Axel Dörfler

Create a thread scheduler with CPU affinity
by André França Braga, mentored by Bruno G. Albuquerque

USB isochronous streams
by salvatore benedetto, mentored by Oliver Ruiz Dorantes

FireWire stack for Haiku
by JiSheng Zhang, mentored by Jerome Duval

Network Preferences Application
by Andre Alves Garzia, mentored by Bruno G. Albuquerque

Package (.pkg) installer for the Haiku Operating System
by Lukasz Zemczak, mentored by Ryan Leavengood

Implement ICMP error handling and propagation
by Ivo Vachkov, mentored by Axel Dörfler

Implement a precache algorithm along with aging policy for the file system caches
by Krishna Kishore Annapureddy, mentored by François Revol

The official development period starts on May 28 and will end on August 31, in the mean time the fresh developers have time to get to known the existing team and get familiar with the code-base. All in all huge boost of manhours to get R1 done!

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Bits of news
0033 - April 11th, 2007

Bryan Varner, long time Be community member and main developer of Transmission, posted a (very) short guide on how to get a working Haiku development environment running on Ubuntu. Althought the ‘guide’ does not really go into much detail, it pretty much sums up all the steps you have to take to end up with a bootable build of Haiku.

Atomocad on Haiku
Also in the news is a post by Gabrielle ‘Biffuz’ Biffi, on the AtomoCad development blog. Atomocad is a BeOS implementation of a CAD studio for Zeta. With the recent developments around Zeta the future of Atomocad became a little uncertain, but now the developer reports that Atomocad works flawlessly on Haiku. On a side note, he also writes that he is able to connect to the internet with Haiku, good news!

Read Bryan’s guide here, and Biffi’s post here.

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According to BeOS France (and also ICO and OSNews) now even Jean Louis Gassée, former CEO of Be inc., has something to say about the issues around Zeta’s legality.

JLG has confirmed to Remi from BeOS France that at the time that Palmsource was still the legal owner of the ip, yellowTab did not have any agreement with them. As we all know, JLG use to be a board member for Palmsource, and with his background it would likely that he would have known about such an agreement.

Update: It seems that in the hurry of posting about the above I misread something. The statements by JLG are from an earlier time, they just were never posted. JLG didn’t actually respond to the recent troubles of Zeta like the title on this post suggests. The statements are still valid though, Remi explains:

Since promoting an illegal product came to me like something dangerous for the integrity of my website (so, my everyday “work” of 4 years now), i asked myself: “And if Zeta was not legal ??? Nothing has never been clean on this !”. Cause if it was not, it wouldn’t be normal that i support it (banners, articles, …). I decide to contact JLG, the best person to answer me on this topic. He was so kind to answer me and clearly told me that AT THIS TIME (OSNews, thanks not making me say what i didn’t say !!!), so at this time, the time we got this email discution, he told me that no agreement were took between PalmSource and yT.

Click below for a translation of the text on BeOS France. All the kudos for taking the time to translate it for me go to my Belgian friend Manette, as je ne parle pas Francais…

Read More »

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Sikosis and co. celebrate one year of Haiku podcasts with episode number nine. This episode is about the BeBits app of the year, the various Haiku presentations and much much more. Also there is an interview with Curtis and Urias from the distributed computing Team Haiku.

Get the Haiku podcast #09 (in .mp3 format) here, oh and before I forget, Happy Easter!

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From the Haiku website
0033 - April 9th, 2007

There has been a lot of activity on the Haiku project website this Easter weekend. Let’s start with the news that Bruno will be giving a presentation titled ‘Introducing the Haiku Operating System’ in Brazil. The presentation will be held on Friday the thirteenth at the International Free Software Forum (FISL 8.0) in Porto Alegre.

Quoted from
FISL is a major open software event in both the Brazilian and International FOSS event’s calendar. This, the 8th edition of FISL, is expected to attract a big crowd, making it a great venue to introduce Haiku to many open source enthusiasts. Additionally, if you happen to be in the neighborhood, this would also be a great chance to meet with one of the lead Haiku developers in person and chat with him about the current status and future of the project.

Also in the news is an update on the Haiku GSoC adventure. Google has assigned 7 (preliminary) student slots to the project, the exact number of people the team intended to have. The students have been selected out of 42 (!) applications and on April 12 the final list of projects will be posted on Although the students will work on the projects during summer some of them can’t wait, look here!

Update: I just came across this very interesting thread on the Haiku forums: Donation, Funding – organized campaign. Initiatives like these can make a difference, I’d love to own an original Haiku T-Shirt, and with buying it make a contribution to the project.

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