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Archive for 2008
Ars Technica editor Ryan Paul has written a short “first look” article about the Haiku OS. The article, which also features some quotes from Bruno Albuquerque, is a positive piece – especially regarding the progress & potential of Haiku:
Haiku also improves on BeOS in several ways. Haiku’s network performance is better, for instance, because the networking functionality is integrated directly into the kernel rather than running in userspace as it did in BeOS. Haiku also offers a source-level FreeBSD network driver compatibility layer, which means that it can support any network hardware that will work on FreeBSD. Haiku also includes support for modern hardware, better filesystem performance, and support for vector icons. Haiku has also improved POSIX compatibility in order to simplify the process of porting applications to the platform.
Not only is the article a good introduction to those who aren’t already familiar with Haiku, it’s also great to see Haiku coverage on a major tech news site – especially one as well respected (deservedly so) as Ars Technica (they also used to give BeOS a fair amount of coverage back in the day).
As seen on OSnews today, it seems Michael “mmlr” Lotz succeeded in compiling Haiku within Haiku. This is really great achievement as it proves Haiku is each day closer to the stability point required for an alpha release.
All the files were checked out of SVN from Haiku using the native network stack. The files were then compiled resulting in an Haiku image which worked fine under Qemu. Altough there were still some problems and one small hack involved, the result is there: first time ever Haiku is self hosting :-) 2008 is a promising year !
More details available in Michael’s post.
Have a nice day !
Oliver’s update tells us that he is now able to compile the three entities which are to compose the haiku bluetooth stack.

You can see above (or here) the thing running under Haiku. All is ready now to begin serious tesing :-) Nice work !
The entire story here.
In theory, BeOS / BFS is capable of being used with filesystems measuring exabytes in size – but hardware & software limitations have kept the practical limits much lower. While Thomas Kurschel’s IDE replacement driver allows BeOS to be used on modern IDE controllers (and updated versions of mkbfs allow the creation of BFS volumes larger than ~60GB – removing a limitation from R5 and earlier), BeOS is still suffers from a 136GB limit imposed by the IDE interface. Other OSes have worked around the limit with updated IDE drivers, but similar updates have never been released for BeOS – or so I thought.
Shortly before the holidays, a user by the (nick)name of “Diver” posted a link to updated IDE drivers for R5 in the BeBits comments thread for DiskManager (a new partitioning app for ZETA),:
Here is the one for R5, which worked for me
Danger! remove IDE replacement driver before installing it. This should let you see and use new large hard drives, i tested it with 400Gb drive.
I haven’t had a chance to try it yet, but hope to in the near future – the experiences reported in the comments thread appear to be generally positive (although a few people report slow file transfers after installation). As always, caution should be used when installing software that could potentially cause data loss – don’t install on a system with vital files / backup first / et cetera, et cetera, forward-looking statements, et cetera.
There has been yet another chapter in the comedy of errors that has been going on for about a year now, featuring my BeOS machine as the main character. For the last few weeks, the hard drive in that machine had been occasionally making an odd noise – nothing especially troubling, but I’ve dealt with enough dead & dying hard drives to be paranoid.
Read on for the gory details.
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Jorge G. Mare published a post today to tell us about the Haiku Inc. transition status (you know the re-organization work started after the deparature of Micheal Phipps).
“It has been several months since we announced the departure of project founder Michael Phipps from Haiku and the transition period that ensued for Haiku Inc. This is an attempt to give the community a most probably long awaited update on where we stand today, what has been done so far and what remains to be done to bring the Haiku Inc. transition to a successful conclusion.”
Read the complete information here.
Then, he posted on his own blog an item as a desesperate attempt to get in touch with ACCESS (the company which owns the IP of ex Be Inc.). Indeed back in november of 2006 Haiku took contact with the company in order to try to get from them the right to “open” the BeBook and the Be newsletters for the community. At that time the Director of Open Source Technologies at ACCESS was ready to release the docs under “no commercial use, no derivative works, must attribute†Creative Commons license. But from taht time no news… It seems Jorge succeeded with the communication attempt as an update of the blog post brings us the good news: finally there is an happy end to this story.
It seems we recently lacked time to update you about the latest events happening in the Be(tm)-thing world. So please find here below some catch-up information for you all (hint: surprise at last item…). ‘Nice day to you all !
- Games – My Belgian collegue Begasus updated the look of his web site: He tells us also that the SCUMM interpreter (used in games such as Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Day Of The Tentacle and Sam and Max) code has been updated. Nice work Luc. Also did you saw that the SimCity source code has been opened ?
- WebKIT progress – both IC0 and related recent progress made in the webkit port. It can now load pages directly using the network stack (previously only from disk). Andrea Anzani wrote a special image decoder which can make use of our beloved image translators to render images (working for JPG and PNG but not yet for GIF because of animated images not properly handeled by the translator). Also non-ASCII characters can be rendered now. Screen shots to be seen at IC0 and
- Haiku updates – Simon Taylor posted yesterday a nice recap’ of the CVS activity on the Haiku front. Read the info there bu briefly “Huge stability improvements in the kernel and VM, syscall optimisations, OHCI USB work, an AHCI SATA driver, hotplugging support for devices, USB 2.0 handling for legacy devices, work on partitioning support and DriveSetup, and new features in Kernel Debugging Land.”. Interesting, someone put a search engine online for digging into the Haiku source code. Try it here: Last but not least, Ingo posted a very interesting (but coder-oriented should I say) information about the Kernel Debugger and how to use it in real life. Read that here.
- Firefox in Haiku – Also Tigerdog from the Bezilla team was interviewed at He also posted in his blog that Firefox is now running (with some problems tough) on Haiku. Even if there are still crashes and long loading times, haiku being able to run such a elaborated app’ means it has recently acquired a lot more stability wich is also really a great news !
- SCaLE 6x – All the information about this event can be found here. Also an interview has been published starring Bruno G. Albuquerque and Jorge Mare, some of the Haiku representatives which should attend and take active part there.
- Bluetooth – Today we’ve got a new post from Oliver on the matter. It seems he received some RAM for his development machine which will alow him to continue the work on the BT stack. The USB tranport driver and kit were added to the Haiku source tree and can be built from there. He says he is tailoring the bluetooth server and will commit the source into the tree in a week or so. After that testing should begin. Great !
- BeDoperer – Hey, nice one: “BeDoper is dead, long live BeDoperer” … Have a look here:
- Zebuntu or Bernd’s return – It seems Xubuntu and Zeta made love and a child is born from the union… Here I spotted the information. As I don’t understand German I used some Google thing to help me understand this one. For more details about this new project, there is a development blog at this URL: Nothing mentionned on Bernd’s personnal blog tough. Till they states that “Beta 1 ISO Images will be uploaded to a download server soon and will be avaiable for public beta testing“.