Also from Vasper, I recently received an EMail with a status report on YAB. I’ve been a bit slow on the draw reporting on YAB, it’s a BASIC interpreter and IDE developed by Team Maui – YAB also contains bindings to the BeOS API, allowing developers to write graphical BeOS apps in a BASIC language.
Not content to simply rest on a cool idea, Team Maui have been hard at work pushing towards a 1.0 release. Read on for the latest info, straight from the horse’s mouth – or in this case, straight from the Vasper’s EMail client.
The following was posted on the Yab forums
Just a status report for those that are eagerly waiting for 1.0 final (me too Wink):
The interpreter got quite some bugfixes since RC8, there are some few new commands too, e.g. improved filepanels. On the todo list are still some simple to implement commands for list-/tree-/columnboxes and there are two open bugs on the columnbox.
The IDE improved a lot since RC8, it has several new features as a find in the toolbar, free font selection and a build factory. The build factory allows you to compile your code within yab, so that it cannot be destroyed by adding attributes as for bound programs. Furthermore, it reduces the binary size as only those parts that are needed are compiled.
However, I removed some stuff again, as the version control and the add-on framework. Those will not make it in 1.0
I am currently writing a lot of documentation for the new commands. This will be integrated into the IDE in form of a help browser. (But it will be printable externally too.) Currently I covered about 20% of the new commands, I hope to finish the other in this week.
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